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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

June 2006

When Terrorism Will End

Terrorism has existed for centuries, but today it affects more lives than ever. When and how will it end?

3 Children Terrorized

4 History Written in Blood

7 Peace on Earth at Last!

20 How Photography Saw the Light

24 Silk​—“The Queen of Fibers”

28 The Bible’s Viewpoint

What Was the Original Sin?

30 Watching the World

31 How Would You Answer?

32 Millions Will Be Going​—Will You?

How Can I Control My Spending? 10

Overspending is easy. What is the key to budgeting your money?

Heeding the Warnings Made a Difference 14

What is being done to help victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita?

[Picture Credit Line on page 2]

AP Photo/​Ben Sklar