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Table of Contents

September 2006

Special Issue

Is There a Creator?

Is it reasonable to conclude that the design evident in nature requires belief in a Designer, a Creator?

Whom Should You Believe? 3

What Does Nature Teach? 4

Did God Use Evolution to Create Life? 9

An Interview With a Biochemist 11

A professor of biochemistry comments on evolution.

Is Evolution a Fact? 13

Do mutations or natural selection produce new species?

Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? 18

Does the Bible really teach that all physical creation was produced in six 24-hour days?

Why We Believe in a Creator 21

Some scientists and researchers explain their reasons.

Intriguing Patterns in Plants 24

Is their spiral growth just an accident?

How Can I Defend My Belief in Creation? 26

Learn how a young person in school can take a stand for his or her beliefs.

Does It Matter What You Believe? 29

See how your entire life is affected.

30 Watching the World

31 How Would You Answer?

32 Is Evolution Fact or Fiction?

[Picture Credit Line on page 2]

Dinosaur: © Pat Canova/​Index Stock Imagery