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The World Wants Good Health!

The World Wants Good Health!

The World Wants Good Health!

OVER 2,700 years ago, a prophet spoke of a future time when sickness will be no more. This prophecy has been preserved down to our day and is found in the ancient writings of Isaiah. He wrote of a time when “no resident will say: ‘I am sick,’” and he added: “At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness.” (Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6) Other Bible prophecies speak of such a future. For example, the last book of the Bible, Revelation, describes a time when God will eliminate pain.​—Revelation 21:4.

Will these promises come true? Will there ever be a time when the human race will enjoy good health and when sickness will be no more? Granted, a large segment of mankind enjoy better health today than in past generations. But better health does not mean the best health. Sickness still exacts a heavy toll. Just the fear of getting sick brings great anxiety. And the harsh reality is that even in this modern age, no one can fully escape the onslaught of physical and mental maladies.

The Price You Pay

The burden of ill health has many faces. One that is of great concern today is the soaring financial cost of illness. For instance, during a recent year, 500 million workdays were lost in Europe because of health problems. The situation is similar elsewhere. Reduced productivity at the workplace, together with the increasing cost of health care, creates a financial burden that affects all. Business corporations and governments pay a price. In order to offset costs, businesses raise the price of their products and governments increase taxation. Who pays? Ultimately, you do!

Sad to say, the poor usually find it difficult to obtain adequate health care, if any at all. In developing countries that is the tragic plight of millions who have either limited access or no access to professional health services. Even in wealthy countries, some have to struggle to benefit from the good medical care available. This is often the case with many of the 46 million people in the United States who do not have health insurance.

The burden of illness is not just financial. The ultimate price we pay is the anguish of suffering a terminal disease, the agony of enduring chronic pain, the sadness of seeing others who are seriously ill, and the despair of experiencing the loss of a loved one.

The hope of someday living in a world without sickness is most appealing. The world wants good health! Many believe that as fantastic as it may sound, such a hope is real. There are some who are convinced that through man-made technology, in time, virtually all disease and sickness will be eradicated. On the other hand, those who put faith in the Bible believe that God will cause its ancient prophecies about a world without sickness to be fulfilled. Will man bring about a time when sickness is no more? Will God? What will the future bring?