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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Young People Ask . . . Why Do I Have to Read? (May 2006) I am 15 years old, and this article was very helpful to me. I took the magazine to school, and my teacher noticed it. During class she talked about reading habits and showed the Awake! to my classmates. She mentioned that she had enjoyed the article very much, and she recommended it to all in attendance.

D.A.C., Brazil

In the past I would oftentimes read only the subjects in the magazines that appealed to me. Now I make a conscious effort to read each article, even if at first it doesn’t seem interesting to me. I have found that those particular articles almost always become my favorites. Thank you so much.

E. G., United States

I was happy to know that there are young people today who are like I was. I was baptized at age 14 and am now 40 years old. Beginning a short time before my baptism, I too made it a habit to read a number of pages from either The Watchtower or Awake! each day. I feel that it is due to this custom that I have never missed reading an article and that I have been able to maintain my spirituality.

S. O., Japan

Michael Servetus​—A Solitary Quest for the Truth (May 2006) Thank you for this revealing article. It greatly encouraged me to continue preaching and defending Jehovah’s name.

M. R., Brazil

Most know Servetus as a prominent person in the field of medicine. However, the article revealed other impressive facets of this scholar’s personality, such as his sincerity and quest for truth. Thank you for publishing this article.

M. J., Spain

Heeding the Warnings Made a Difference (June 2006) It is so wonderful to be part of Jehovah’s loving organization. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the brothers and sisters who helped restore my house, which was so badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina. It is now a home filled with their love.

I. F., United States

Silk​—“The Queen of Fibers” (June 2006) Ever since I was a child, I have wondered how silk was made. How excited I was when I saw this article in Awake! I really enjoyed it, and it has definitely increased my appreciation for Jehovah’s creations.

A.C.L., Brazil

Key Warning Signs of Malignant Melanoma (June 8, 2005) By using the color photos supplied in the article, I was able to examine myself and detect a suspicious black swelling that turned out to be a malignant melanoma. Thankfully, the melanoma was surgically removed while it was still in its early stages. My heartfelt thanks to Jehovah for such practical material.

K. N., Japan