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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Young People Ask . . . Do I Have an Eating Disorder? (October 2006) After reading this article, I felt depressed. I have battled with an eating disorder all my life. The article made me feel that I should have “solved” this disorder when I was young. However, to this day I struggle with this monster, and now I feel that I am a lost cause. The article makes it sound as if one could overcome this disorder simply by having strong faith.

J. J., United States

“Awake!” responds: While the subjects that are discussed in the “Young People Ask . . .” series are intended primarily for youths, the Bible principles contained in these articles apply to people of all ages. We recognize that eating disorders are among the most difficult maladies to overcome. The article did not say that those who struggle with eating disorders are lacking faith. It simply suggested that sufferers can pray to Jehovah for help in overcoming eating disorders. In addition to appealing to God, victims were encouraged to seek help from “a parent or other adult.” Moreover, the article candidly admits that “the road to recovery is not easy” and that relapses may occur. The fact that you are still battling an eating disorder after many years means that you have not given up hope.

Young People Ask . . . What Should I Do With My Life? (July 2006) I am about to graduate from school, and it is time for me to plot my course in life. This article has made me more determined to attain the goal of entering the full-time ministry. There is no other work that is more worthwhile and that can bring me more joy.

H. W., Hong Kong

I am so grateful for this article because it has helped me to see that in this materialistic world, the best thing young people like me can do is give priority to spiritual goals.

A. S., Brazil

In my busy everyday life, I often lose sight of my goals. Reading this article enabled me to renew my determination to do all that I can to serve Jehovah. Thank you very much for caring for us young ones.

E. M., Japan

How to Build a Happy Marriage (July 2006) These articles are a masterpiece. Using Jesus and his treatment of his apostles as an example to show how mates should treat each other couldn’t have been better. Keep up the good work. We eagerly await our magazines each month.

S. C., United States

From Hopelessness to Happiness (July 2006) Like Brother González, I too have struggled with feelings of inadequacy. I reasoned, ‘Jehovah couldn’t possibly love me, especially with a sinful past like mine.’ What a blessing it is to know how gracious, forgiving, and loving Jehovah truly is! With much counsel, loving support from the congregation, and Jehovah’s holy spirit, I have been helped to apply Bible truths in my life. Thank you for this timely spiritual food.

T. A., United States