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Seek Good Advice

Seek Good Advice

Step 1

Seek Good Advice

Why take this step? The first time that parents hold a newborn child in their arms, they may be buffeted by conflicting emotions. “I felt deep joy and wonder,” says Brett, a father who lives in Britain. “But I also experienced an overwhelming sense of responsibility and felt unprepared for the job.” Monica, a mother who lives in Argentina, says: “I worried about whether I could care for my little girl’s needs. I wondered, ‘Will I be able to train her to become a responsible adult?’”

Can you relate to the joys and fears of those parents? Certainly, raising a child is one of the most taxing yet fulfilling, and frustrating yet rewarding, tasks any human can attempt. As one father said, “you only get one shot at raising your child.” Given the enormous influence parents have on the health and happiness of their children, you may feel a strong need for trustworthy advice on how to be a better parent.

The challenge: Everyone seems to have advice on raising children. In the past, new parents relied on their parents’ example or on their religious convictions to guide them. But in a number of lands, the family unit is decaying and religion has lost its influence. As a result, many parents turn to professional parenting experts for advice. Some of what these experts say is based on sound principles. In other cases the counsel of such experts can be contradictory and may soon be considered out-of-date.

The solution: Seek the advice of the one Person who knows most about how to raise children​—the Creator of human life, Jehovah God. (Acts 17:26-28) His Word, the Bible, contains both direct advice and practical examples that can help you become a better parent. “I will give advice with my eye upon you,” he promises.​—Psalm 32:8.

What advice does God give to parents that can help them raise happy children?

[Blurb on page 3]

“Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding.”​—Proverbs 3:5