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Favored Over Any Toys

Favored Over Any Toys

Favored Over Any Toys

Can small children prefer a book to toys? Indeed they can if parents introduce books to them from infancy. Mebrahtu and Angela, a couple in California, U.S.A., began reading the book Learn From the Great Teacher to their daughter from the time she was brought home from the hospital.

“As a result,” wrote the parents, “she has come to love the Teacher book. At only 12 months of age, she began verbally requesting that we read her what she called the Jesus book. Julianna is now three years old and anxiously awaits the cozy sessions she has with Mom or Dad each day. It is not an exaggeration to say that our daughter favors this book over any toys. The pictures and illustrations are helpful teaching tools in themselves. We, as her parents, learn a lot too.”

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