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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Noah’s Ark and Naval Architecture (January 2007) I always knew that the ark was wonderfully made, but I didn’t understand just how well it was made. This article explained in an easy-to-understand way how the length, width, and height made it very seaworthy. I decided to make a model of the ark with the young people in our congregation, using the diagram provided. We made origami (paper model) animals and put them in the ark and drew pictures of Noah and his family. We got to know more about this Bible event by experiencing a part of it ourselves. Thank you very much.

T. A., Japan

My six-year-old son loves to build models. He and I were both thrilled when at the end of the Awake! article, we discovered the instructions on how to build a scale model of Noah’s ark. What a great afternoon we had together, thanks to your wonderful article! With the busy world we live in and the pressures our little ones face every week at school, it is truly a blessing to be given a tool like Awake! to assist parents in rearing their young ones in Jehovah’s ways.

M. F., United States

Young People Ask . . . How Can I Conquer This Habit? (November 2006) My heart was touched when I read the article and realized how Jehovah cares for us and helps us solve our problems. Even though we experience relapses, Jehovah is “ready to forgive.” (Psalm 86:5) Being aware of this helps us young ones to “flee from the desires incidental to youth.”​—2 Timothy 2:22.

V.F.F., Brazil

Young People Ask . . . Why So Many Rules? (December 2006) I have been studying the Bible for six years now. Though my parents are very strict with us children, I know that they really care about me. When I read this article, it helped me to understand the concerns my parents have and helped me to appreciate Jehovah’s personal care for me.

K. T., Thailand

I Was a Prodigal Son (December 2006) I have known about Jehovah since 1992. But there was a time in my life when I wanted to live another way. Like Meros Sunday, I experienced many ups and downs, and after three years of being away from Jehovah, I began asking him for help. Now I am “home” again! Thank you for your work.

D. K., Ukraine

Young People Ask . . . When Can I Start Dating? (January 2007) I am 15 years old. While visiting my aunt and uncle, I met a 17-year-old Witness boy. We began to talk online, irregularly at first. Before we knew it, however, we were talking every day, and we became romantically involved. Then I read this article and realized that we were actually dating. With the help of my parents and the Awake! article, I made the best decision​—to discontinue the relationship with the boy. We remain friends, but I put my relationship with Jehovah first. I am very thankful that this article helped bring me back to reality.

D. D., Canada