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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Helping Youths Meet the Challenge (March 2007) As an 18-year-old, I was able to relate to many of the points made regarding cell-phone and Internet usage. I engaged in meeting strangers online in social networks. I soon fell into the trap that those bad associates helped to set. My spirituality began to weaken almost immediately. I even agreed to meet several of the individuals in person. Tragically, this led to immoral conduct. I pray that this article will help others to avoid the pain and anguish that I live with. The sleepless nights and recurring images make each day difficult, but I am taking a firm stand against Satan.

B. R., United States

Why Do I Faint? (April 2007) It was encouraging to learn that I am not the only one suffering from fainting. This article made me feel as if Jehovah were speaking directly to me, telling me, “I see what is happening to you, so here I’m giving you some encouragement.”

I. R., Madagascar

Something More Lasting Than Art (April 2007) I cannot express how thankful I am for this article. For six years I managed two successful portrait studios. I loved my job and the creative outlet it provided. I came to realize, though, that as my success and reputation at work grew, my service to Jehovah seemed to shrink. I was pouring so much of myself into my art that it left little time for anything else. I knew something needed to change. So I left my job and became more involved in my worship. The feeling of fulfillment and joy I got from creating beautiful portraits simply does not compare with the joy I receive in the Christian ministry.

A. P., United States

Young People Ask . . . Is This Person Right for Me? (May 2007) I recently found myself developing feelings for someone who I thought would make a good match for me. However, after reading the article, I discovered that the qualities I liked about him were not qualities that are truly important. The article helped me to realize that spiritual qualities and the way a potential mate treats others are of primary importance. I thank Jehovah for articles like this one, which give protection and guidance to us young ones.

E. P., United States

Meet the People of East Timor (May 2007) I read this article with great interest. I first heard of this country when the news reported on riots there. Since then I had been concerned as to how the people of East Timor were getting on and how the witnessing activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses there was affected. I was surprised by the spirit of these people, who don’t give in to cruel circumstances but vigorously continue on with life. I am going to remember the indomitable spirit of the people of East Timor and the big smiles of Jacob and his family.

Y. M., Japan