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How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

Where Did it Happen?

1. Where was Jesus betrayed?

CLUE: Read Matthew 26:36-56.

Circle your answer on the map.

Garden of Gethsemane


Governor’s Palace

Pool of Siloam

▪ Which one of the apostles betrayed Jesus?


▪ Which apostle attacked the slave of the high priest?



How did Jesus respond to his follower’s attempt to defend him with a weapon? What lesson do you learn from what Jesus said to his disciples?

From This Issue

Answer these questions, and provide the missing Bible verse(s).

PAGE 3 What did Jesus say he was born to do? John 18:․․․

PAGES 5-6 What did Paul say we should be united in? 1 Corinthians 1:․․․

PAGE 11 When people know the truth about superstitions, what can happen? John 8:․․․

PAGE 20 What do your words show? Luke 6:․․․

Children’s Picture Search

Can you find these pictures in this issue? In your own words, describe what is happening in each picture.

Who Is Part of Jesus’ Family Tree?

Consider the clues. Look up the scriptures. Then write the correct names in the spaces provided.

2. ․․․․․

CLUE: I was known as “a preacher of righteousness.”

Read 2 Peter 2:5.

3. ․․․․․

CLUE: I am the son of Noah who is always listed first.

Read Genesis 6:10.

4. ․․․․․

CLUE: In my day “the earth was divided.”

Read Genesis 10:25.

▪ Answers on page 30


1. The garden of Gethsemane.

▪ Judas.

▪ Peter.

2. Noah.​—Luke 3:36.

3. Shem.​—Luke 3:36.

4. Peleg.​—Luke 3:35.