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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Young People Ask . . . What’s So Bad About Swearing? (March 2008) I was raised in a Christian home, but I got into the habit of swearing. I tried and tried to stop but without success. However, this article has helped me to control myself. As mentioned in the article, I do not want to abuse the gift of speech. So now I think twice before speaking. Thank you very much.

C. P., Brazil

I am 12 years old. I’m surrounded by swearing in school, and I’m afraid that one day a swearword might slip out. I was just about to write and ask that a “Young People Ask” article be written on this subject when the exact article I wanted appeared in Awake! The article reminded me why swearing is bad, and it renewed my strength. Keep writing articles like that!

A. P., United States

My husband and I clean houses for a living, and one of our clients told us about her “new year’s resolution” to stop swearing. She said that she prays every day, asking God to help her quit her bad habit. She also asked me to give her any literature I had on the subject. I prayed about that and then, as usual, I downloaded the recent magazines from the Web site to my MP3 player. You can imagine my delight upon hearing the table of contents the next day. I was so excited! Even though the article was written for youths, I knew that our client would still get some practical advice from it. I couldn’t wait to share it with her.

S. C., United States

Air Traffic Control​—How Does It Keep You Safe? (April 2008) “Secure and ready for takeoff!” were the words I exclaimed after reading the article. I was encouraged and felt safer because Awake! showed me that air traffic controllers are really interested in our safety. Thank you.

T. S., Brazil

How Would You Answer? I am 12 years old and live in southern Ireland. I would like to thank you for the special quizzes for children at the back of Awake! They are a good idea. They get children involved with the magazine. Please keep putting them in. Thanks again.

A. C., Ireland