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How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

How Would You Answer?

What Is Missing From This Picture?

Read Acts 10:9-48. Now look at the picture. What features are missing? Write your answers on the lines below, and then draw in the missing features.

1. ․․․․․

2. ․․․․․

3. ․․․․․


What lesson do you think Jehovah was teaching Peter?

CLUE: Read Acts 10:28, 34, 35.

How can you show that you learned from Peter’s lesson when you deal with people of another race or culture?

Children’s Picture Search

Can you find these pictures in this issue? In your own words, describe what is happening in each picture.

From This Issue

Answer these questions, and provide the missing Bible verse(s).

PAGE 9 What will mankind never find out? Ecclesiastes 3:․․․

PAGE 10 The earth has been given to whom? Psalm 115:․․․

PAGE 13 To be happy, we must be conscious of what? Matthew 5:․․․

PAGE 19 When are plans frustrated? Proverbs 15:․․․

What Do You Know About Judge Samson?

Read Judges 13:1–16:31. Now answer the following questions.

4. ․․․․․

He was from which tribe?

5. ․․․․․

He delivered Israel from which nation?

6. ․․․․․

True or false? He lived after the prophet Samuel.


Why was Samson so powerful?

CLUE: Read Hebrews 11:32-34.

What part of Samson’s story did you enjoy most, and why?

▪ Answers on page 22


1. No four-footed creatures.

2. No creeping things.

3. No birds.

4. Dan.​—Judges 13:2-5.

5. The Philistines.​—Judges 13:1.

6. False.