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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Blessings Greater Than Riches (March 2009) The article quoted Kostas, who said: “God does not want us to live a life of opulence.” I thought Jehovah put no limit on how much or how little a servant could possess as long as He is put first. Is it wrong to live a life of opulence, while faithfully serving Jehovah?

J. D., United States

“Awake!” responds: The Bible does not condemn wealth. In fact, many of God’s servants in the past were wealthy. (Genesis 25:5; 26:12-16; Job 1:1-3) However, those who are rich do well to keep in mind that a ‘showy display of one’s means of life does not originate with the Father but originates with the world.’ (1 John 2:16) Moreover, the apostle Paul said: “The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things.” He noted that by sacrificing spiritual concerns out of a desire to be rich, “some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.” (1 Timothy 6:10) Of course, God’s Word does not show that those who are wealthy ought to feel guilty because they have more than others. Christians are encouraged “to be liberal, ready to share,” no matter how little or how much they may have materially.​—1 Timothy 6:18.

A Silent Voice That Can Be Heard (October 2008) I was really encouraged by this article about Hillary, who has Rett syndrome. My five-year-old grandchild is unable to see, hear, walk, talk, or sit. I have come to hope that when I sing, read, talk, and stroke or massage him, something is happening in his brain. I cried when I read the words of Hillary’s mother: “Even though I can’t hear what she says, Jehovah can.” It helped me realize that although my grandchild can’t say words, Jehovah can hear the voice of his heart.

M. A., Japan

My daughter is 43 years old, yet this is the first article I have read that throws real light on her condition and the reasons for her disability. My heart goes out to Hillary and her mother and sister. Although we live thousands of miles apart, I can well relate to them, and I appreciate their example of faith, love, and endurance.

T. Y., Ghana

Abortion​—Not a Trouble-Free Solution (June 2009) Thank you for your series of articles on the subject of abortion. When I was in my 20’s, I chose to have an abortion, an act I have regretted profoundly. If I did not know the truth now, I would feel hopeless. I am so thankful that I have a hope and know of Jehovah’s forgiveness.

Name withheld, United States

Young People Ask . . . How Can I Cope With the Death of a Parent? (August 2009) I am only 22, and my father’s death was so quick and unexpected that it completely devastated me. As the article brought out, I will miss being able to share the most important moments of my life with him. After three years, I am still finding it hard to rebuild my life. In spite of this, the article gave me much comfort. The suggestions given to help cope, even though they were difficult to put into practice, turned out to be effective. Thank you for the excellent work that you are doing.

N. P., France