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“A Widespread Crisis of Confidence”

“A Widespread Crisis of Confidence”

“A Widespread Crisis of Confidence”

In West Africa, a 12-year-old boy lies in a hospital bed​—the victim of a fake antimalarial drug that his mother bought at a legitimate drugstore. “For 15 years we have been finding false medicines on the market,” says a hospital physician. *

In Asia, the parents of a newborn boy are shocked to learn that the so-called enriched milk they have been feeding him is contaminated with a hazardous ingredient. Sadly, the little boy dies.

A trusted American businessman has swindled his clients out of billions of dollars! Thousands discover that their pension funds have vanished in what has been termed “the fraud of the century.”

IN TODAY’S world, virtually everyone’s trust has been betrayed at one time or another. Even the global economic plight is largely the result of what the French newspaper Le Monde calls “a widespread crisis of confidence.”

What factors have contributed to the present-day “crisis of confidence”? Is there anyone you can trust?


^ par. 2 Reported in the newspaper Le Figaro, published in Paris, France.