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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Why I Gave Up a Lucrative Career (June 2010) I cannot express how grateful I am to you for this article! I am 39 years old and raising three children alone. In the area of Russia where I live, it is very hard to find work. But the example of Martha Teresa Márquez moved me to action. The article said that in order to support herself in the full-time ministry, Martha made tamales at home and sold them on the street. So I decided to follow her example and make small Russian pastries called piroshki. It worked! Now it’s our family business. Because of this, my children are learning practical life skills and are becoming more responsible.

G. M., Russia

How to Cope With Stuttering (May 2010) Thank you for sharing accurate information about stuttering. We are working hard to let those who struggle with stuttering know that there are many effective options for help.

J. F., president of The Stuttering Foundation, United States

Young People Ask . . . How Can I Explain the Bible’s View of Homosexuality? (December 2010) I have been married for ten years, and I have one child. I struggle daily with my “thorn in the flesh.” I have homosexual desires. Marriage did not change that. I had truly been in the depths of despair because I couldn’t seem to win my fight against my desires. However, after reading this article, I no longer feel like a lost cause. I have been able to accomplish the reachable goal of not acting on those desires.​—2 Corinthians 12:7.

Name withheld, United States

I have dealt with homosexual urges from as early as five years of age. I am now 61 years old, and the urges have not subsided. I especially liked the points that stated that even heterosexuals must flee from fornication and that there are “many who are single with little prospect of marriage and many who are married to a disabled partner who is unable to function sexually,” yet they are able to live happily without fulfilling their sexual urges. Therefore, those with homosexual inclinations can likewise lead moral lives if they truly want to please God. So I thank you for encouraging those of us who deal with this circumstance.

Name withheld, United States