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Watching the World

Watching the World

Watching the World

In the Republic of Georgia in southeast Europe, “the number of divorces has nearly doubled in the last ten years.” Most of those getting divorced are under 20 years of age.​—FINANCIAL, GEORGIA.

In Ireland, 17 percent of 11- to 16-year-olds “have given their full name to someone online whom they had never met.” Ten percent also gave their “email address, mobile number or photo.”​—THE IRISH SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO CHILDREN.

Only about 4 percent of forest fires worldwide have natural causes. In all other cases, the fires are started by man​—either negligently or willfully.​—PRESSEPORTAL, GERMANY.

“Nearly one in 10 Americans [aged 12 or over] report regularly using illegal drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants or prescription drugs used recreationally.”​—USA TODAY, U.S.A.

Self-Control Is a Key to Stability

“Research suggests that a lack of self-control during youth may predict health problems, less financial stability and a criminal record by adulthood,” says Time. Over 1,000 people were studied from birth to age 32. By adulthood, “those who [as children] were more impulsive and easily frustrated and had the most trouble with delaying gratification or waiting their turn” were about three times as likely to report that they had poor health, had low incomes, were single parents, or had committed a crime. Yet, “self-control can be learned,” says the magazine, adding: “School and family interventions that teach kids to self-regulate early on may lead to healthier and more stable adults.”

Teaching Bad Drivers a Lesson

Authorities in India are trying new ways to deal with the worst traffic offenders by making them work as traffic police. The goal is to help drivers grasp what it means to manage the kind of chaos they cause. Now, instead of just pulling over offenders and fining them, police in Gurgaon, northwestern India, are also requiring drivers to join the constables in directing traffic for a half hour or more. Some drivers admit that the lesson has changed their attitude. “We issue a thousand [fines] for traffic offences in Gurgaon every day,” says Bharti Arora, the local deputy commissioner of police. “We could have 1000 extra ‘constables’ every day.”