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Humans—Just Higher Animals?

Humans—Just Higher Animals?

Humans​—Just Higher Animals?

“Does it make any difference what we believe about the origin of life?”

A 16-year-old girl in Brazil posed this question in the introduction to her talk on the subject “Humans​—Just Higher Animals?” She was invited by her teacher to address the class on that question, after the teacher had received a copy of the June 22, 1998, issue of Awake! on that subject.

The young Witness highlighted just how disastrous has been the teaching of evolution based on natural selection. For example, many people feel that the evolution theory led some to view war as just a natural part of the eternal struggle for survival, helping to pave the way for the development of Fascism and Nazism.

The student showed that there is a huge gulf between humans and animals. She stated: “Only humans can develop spirituality. Only humans try to discover the meaning and purpose of life. Only humans are troubled by death, are concerned about their origin, and have a desire to live forever. How important it is that we spend time finding out a little more about our origin!”

The teacher praised the fine presentation. She attributed its success to the fact that this young teenage Witness likes to read. The girl is known at school as an avid reader of such Bible-based publications as Awake! and The Watchtower.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are sincerely concerned about the effect that the theory of evolution is having on the hearts and minds of young people. For this reason, the congregation where this girl associates encouraged young Witnesses to give a copy of the June 22, 1998, Awake! magazine to their teachers and schoolmates. Some 230 magazines were distributed in various schools in the city. The head of the Science Department at one school subscribed to the Awake! magazine.

Yes, it does make a difference what we believe about the origin of life! This young person and her friends have shown that belief in the Creator has made a real difference in their lives.