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What She Misses About New York City

What She Misses About New York City

What She Misses About New York City

THE sign seen here has been prominently displayed on one of the Watchtower Society’s factory buildings in Brooklyn, New York, since the 1950’s. Commuters, tourists, and others who pass by are reminded to read the Bible daily. The following letter, received from a young Witness girl, shows the effectiveness of this reminder.

“I was discussing with a classmate of mine what I wanted to do when I got out of high school. I started talking about Bethel, the headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and she got very excited. She told me that she had lived in New York City all her life. Her family was not very religious, but every morning when she looked out the window, there was a sign that said ‘Read God’s Word the Holy Bible Daily.’ So every day she read her Bible before she left to go to school.

“After moving out of the city, she said that the thing she misses about New York City is that when she wakes up, she no longer sees the reminder to read her Bible. But because of the sign on the Watchtower building, Bible reading has become a habit, so she continues to read the Bible daily!”

What could be a better way to start the day than by reading a portion of God’s Word! In so doing, you will no doubt come to appreciate the apostle Paul’s words: “The holy writings . . . are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus.”​—2 Timothy 3:15-17.