Do You Remember?
Do You Remember?
Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:
• What eased the way for Christmas to be adopted in Korea?
There was an old belief in Korea and some other lands about a god of the kitchen who was thought to come through the chimney and bring gifts in December. Also, after World War II, U.S. soldiers distributed gifts and aid at local churches.—12/15, pages 4, 5.
• In fulfillment of Isaiah 21:8, what “watchman” has God had in our time?
Spirit-anointed Christians, serving as a watchman class, have alerted people to the meaning of world events that fulfill Bible prophecy. They have also helped Bible students to identify and avoid unscriptural doctrines and practices.—1/1, pages 8, 9.
• Who were the “Polish Brethren”?
They were a small religious group in the 16th and 17th centuries in Poland who encouraged adherence to the Bible and therefore rejected prevailing church doctrines, such as the Trinity, infant baptism, and hellfire. In time, they were severely persecuted and forced to scatter into other lands.—1/1, pages 21-3.
• Why are Bible prophecies rather than predictions by futurologists or astrologers to be trusted?
Human would-be prophets prove to be unreliable because they ignore Jehovah and the Bible. Only Bible prophecies can help you to know how events fit into God’s purpose, benefiting yourself and your family lastingly.—1/15, page 3.
• What are some lines of evidence proving that we are living in the last days?
We can see the effects of the ouster of Satan from heaven. (Revelation 12:9) We live in the time of the final “king” mentioned at Revelation 17:9-11. The number of genuine anointed Christians is dwindling, yet it seems that some of them will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.—1/15, pages 12, 13.
• When was the book of Habakkuk written, and why should we be interested in it?
This Bible book was written about 628 B.C.E. It contains Jehovah’s judgment against ancient Judah and against Babylon. It also addresses the divine judgment soon to come on the present wicked system.—2/1, page 8.
• Where in the Bible can we find a mother’s wise counsel for capable wives?
The final chapter of the book of Proverbs, chapter 31, is an excellent source of such counsel.—2/1, pages 30, 31.
• Why can we be grateful that Jehovah has revealed “the mind of Christ” to us? (1 Corinthians 2:16)
By means of the Gospel record, Jehovah has enabled us to learn of Jesus’ thoughts, feelings, activities, and priorities. This can help us to be more like Jesus, especially in the emphasis we put on the lifesaving preaching work.—2/15, page 25.
• Does God answer prayers today?
Yes. Though the Bible shows that God does not answer all prayers, modern-day experiences prove that he has often responded to people who have prayed for comfort and help in such matters as resolving marital problems.—3/1, pages 3-7.
• What can we do to draw on God’s strength?
We can ask for it in prayer, draw on the Bible for spiritual strength, and be strengthened through Christian association.—3/1, pages 15, 16.
• How can parents help their children to benefit more from Christian meetings?
They can help their children to remain awake, perhaps having them take a nap beforehand. Children can be encouraged to take “notes,” such as by marking a paper each time familiar words or names are used.—3/15, pages 17, 18.
• What are some things that we can learn from Job’s example?
Job put his relationship with God first, was just in dealing with fellow humans, strove to be loyal to his marriage mate, showed concern for the spirituality of his family, and endured faithfully under test.—3/15, pages 25-7.
• Does the Bible contain a hidden code that gives insight into encrypted messages?
No. Claims about a supposed hidden code could equally be made about certain secular books. Supposed codes in the Bible would be rendered pointless by variations in spelling in Hebrew manuscripts.—4/1, pages 30, 31.