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Fine Works Bring Glory to God

Fine Works Bring Glory to God

Fine Works Bring Glory to God

THOSE who love God endeavor to reflect spiritual light from his Word, the Bible. In this way, they follow Jesus’ command: “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens.” (Matthew 5:16) The spoken word as well as upright conduct can bring glory to God.

Jehovah’s Witnesses seek to please God by acting in harmony with the Bible and by endeavoring to help others spiritually. They do so even in lands where their public ministry is not yet legally registered. In the capital city of one of these countries, the Witnesses have been holding annual conventions attended by anywhere from 6,000 to 9,000 people. For such gatherings, they have rented halls in a complex where exhibitions take place. As they had in previous years, before their convention in 1999, hundreds of Witnesses worked hard to clean the facilities and set up a sound system and thousands of chairs.

All this preparation did not go unnoticed. The management staff of the complex observed these activities. They also saw that, although there was a peak attendance of 15,666, everything went smoothly and the Witnesses were very orderly. The staff was also impressed by the very thorough cleanup afterward.

The management showed appreciation for all of this by putting the Witnesses on the priority list so that they would have the first opportunity to rent the building the following year. But the management did even more. On July 15, 1999, they presented the convention committee with an award of appreciation. Engraved on the plaque were the words “the congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses”​—something unexpected in a country where their Bible educational work is under restrictions.

Throughout the world in 2000/2001, millions are expected to attend the hundreds of “Doers of God’s Word” District Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses. By being present, you can personally observe how those who earnestly do what is said in the Bible engage in fine works that bring glory to God.