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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

What is fundamental to our resolving a difference with someone?

We first ought to recognize that we all are susceptible to wrong thoughts and attitudes. Then we should seriously consider whether we are the source of the problem rather than the other person.​—8/15, page 23.

When will be “the times of restoration of all things,” mentioned at Acts 3:21?

The restoration comes in two stages. First, there is the restoration to a spiritual paradise under way since 1919. A further restoration will come when our earth is restored to a physical paradise.​—9/1, pages 17, 18.

How does the ant have no commander, as noted at Proverbs 6:6-8, and yet provides a good example for us?

In an ant colony, there is a queen, but she is queen only in the sense of laying eggs and being the mother of the colony. Ants are industrious, and so should we be, striving to improve our work, even if not being monitored.​—9/15, page 26.

Was Huldah’s prophecy, as recorded at 2 Kings 22:20, accurate, that Josiah would die “in peace,” since he was mortally wounded in battle?

Yes, he died in peace in the sense that he died before the calamity of 609-607 B.C.E., when the Babylonians besieged and destroyed Jerusalem.​—9/15, page 30.

How was it complimentary for Solomon to describe a wife as “a lovable hind and a charming mountain goat”? (Proverbs 5:18, 19)

The female ibex, or mountain goat, is placid of nature and elegant in form. Still, she can survive and give birth in rocky, inaccessible places where food is scarce.​—10/1, pages 30, 31.

Who were Henry Grew and George Storrs?

These two men lived in the 1800’s and were keen Bible students. Grew learned that the Trinity is unscriptural, as are the immortality of the soul and the hellfire doctrines. Storrs discerned that some will gain endless life on earth. Both were predecessors of Charles Taze Russell, who started publishing this magazine in 1879.​—10/15, pages 26-30.

How do Jehovah’s Witnesses view medical procedures using one’s own blood?

Basing their beliefs on the Bible, they do not deposit their own blood and later accept it as a transfusion. Each Christian decides for himself how his own blood will be handled in the course of a surgical procedure, medical test, or current therapy. He should consider what the Bible says about blood and remember that he is wholly dedicated to God.​—10/15, pages 30, 31.

A survey conducted early this year revealed what significant need among Jehovah’s Witnesses around the globe?

There is a need for more than 11,000 Kingdom Halls in developing nations, where finances are limited. Contributions from Christians in many lands are being directed to help in the construction of adequate meeting places.​—11/1, page 30.

What are some of the original-language words used in the Bible having to do with worship?

One is lei·tour·giʹa, which is translated “public service.” Another is la·treiʹa, which is translated “sacred service.” (Hebrews 10:11; Luke 2:36, 37)​—11/15, pages 11, 12.

What is a fundamental lesson that we can learn from the Bible account of Adam and Eve?

Any pretense of independence from Jehovah God is sheer folly.​—11/15, pages 24-7.

What Scriptural proof is there that God empowers his servants?

David, Habakkuk, and the apostle Paul all provided personal testimonials to the fact that Jehovah God had energized, or empowered, them. (Psalm 60:12; Habakkuk 3:19; Philippians 4:13) Thus, we can be confident that God is willing and able to strengthen us.​—12/1, pages 10, 11.