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An Event You Should Not Miss

An Event You Should Not Miss

An Event You Should Not Miss

“Every good gift and every perfect present” comes down from God, our heavenly Father.​—James 1:17.

THE greatest gift that God has given to fallen mankind is the provision for their recovery by means of his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus, our Ransomer, makes possible everlasting life on a paradise earth. At Luke 22:19, we are commanded to memorialize his death.

Jehovah’s Witnesses warmly invite you to share with them in heeding Jesus’ command. This annual occasion will be observed after sundown on the date corresponding to Nisan 14 on the Bible’s lunar calendar​—Sunday, April 8, 2001. Make a note of this date so that you will not forget it. Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area can tell you the exact meeting place and time.