India—A “Unity in Diversity”
Kingdom Proclaimers Report
India—A “Unity in Diversity”
“UNITY in Diversity” is a popular slogan used to describe national integration in India. Achieving unity in this vast country of great diversity in culture, language, religion, ethnic roots, dress, and food is no small task. However, such unity is seen at the administration office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in India, even though the volunteers who live and work there come from many states and union territories and speak a number of different languages.
• Meet Rajrani—a young woman from the Punjab, in the extreme northwest of India. When Rajrani was in school, one of her classmates began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. This young girl tried to interest Rajrani in the Bible. Since the classmate’s English was limited and The Watchtower was not available in Punjabi at that time, she also enlisted Rajrani’s help in translating the contents of the magazine for her. What Rajrani read in The Watchtower began to influence her so deeply that despite her parents’ opposition, she progressed to the point of dedicating her life to Jehovah God. Serving at India Bethel today, she does the very same thing that opened her eyes to the truth. She translates Christian publications into Punjabi!
• Consider also Bijoe, who comes from another part of India—the southwestern state of Kerala. Bijoe was expelled from high school for taking a neutral stand during nationalistic ceremonies. Following an extended court case that ended with a landmark victory for pure worship, Bijoe went back to school. * He also went on to college. However, the immoral atmosphere there bothered his conscience, so he quit in his first term. Now after ten years in Bethel, he feels that he has benefited more from being a member of the diverse but united Bethel family than he would have by pursuing higher education.
• Norma and Lily are both over 70 years of age and have been widows for many years. Each has completed more than 40 years in full-time service. Lily has been working in the branch for some 20 years as a translator of the Tamil language. Norma came to Bethel 13 years ago after she lost her husband. Besides being fine examples of diligent and conscientious workers, they are a unifying influence on the entire Bethel family. They love to entertain visitors, and they enjoy the company of younger members of the family, sharing the joys of long years of Christian living. And the young ones reciprocate by inviting them to their rooms for association and giving a helping hand when needed. Fine examples indeed!
Having overcome differences that cause strife and disharmony in many places, these volunteers happily work together to serve others as members of the united Bethel family in India.—Psalm 133:1.
^ par. 5 See The Watchtower, November 1, 1987, page 21.
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