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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

At Romans 5:3-5, why did the apostle Paul list hope at the end of a series?

Paul presented a series of things that Christians experience​—tribulation, endurance, approved condition, and hope. This “hope” is not the initial hope that one gains from the Bible, but it is the strengthened, deepened, pervading hope that a Christian can gain over time.​—12/15, pages 22-3.

Why might a Christian today be interested in the athletic games held in ancient Greece?

Understanding the nature and customs of those games can shed light on quite a number of Bible verses. Some of those refer to ‘contending according to the rules,’ ‘putting off every weight and looking at the example of Jesus,’ ‘running the course to the finish,’ and gaining the crown, or prize. (2 Timothy 2:5; 4:7, 8; Hebrews 12:1, 2; 1 Corinthians 9:24, 25; 1 Peter 5:4)​—1/1, pages 28-30.

What new way to declare the good news came on the scene in January 1914?

The “Photo-Drama of Creation” was then released. It consisted of a four-part presentation incorporating motion picture segments and hundreds of colored glass slides, much of this being synchronized with or accompanied by phonograph recordings of explanatory talks. Twenty sets of this Drama were prepared and widely used to teach people the Bible’s message.​—1/15, pages 8-9.

How does the Governing Body differ from a legal corporation?

While directors of a legal corporation are voted into office by its members, the Governing Body is not appointed by any man but is appointed by Jesus Christ. There is no need for the directors of various corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses to be members of the Governing Body. At the recent annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, members of the Governing Body who were serving as its directors and officers voluntarily stepped aside from their positions. The vacancies were filled by mature brothers of the “other sheep.” (John 10:16) Thus the Governing Body can spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood.​—1/15, pages 29, 31.

What two Bible examples can we examine in learning how to cope with discouragement?

One is Hannah, the mother of Samuel. She could have allowed herself to become discouraged when she was misjudged by Eli, the high priest of Israel. Instead, she frankly but respectfully set out the facts for him. Further, Hannah did not hold a grudge against Eli. The second is Mark, who must have been discouraged when the apostle Paul did not want to include him on a missionary tour. Rather than being crushed over his loss of this privilege, he continued his active service, traveling with Barnabas.​—2/1, pages 20-2.

Why should Christians be careful about giving to others, or receiving from them, copies of computer software programs?

Most computer programs (including games) are covered by a license that limits the owner/​user to installing the program on one computer. Usually it is a violation of the copyright law to make copies for others, even when we are giving them away free. Christians want to obey the law, ‘paying back Caesar’s things to Caesar.’ (Mark 12:17)​—2/15, pages 28-9.

Who were Cyril and Methodius, and what contribution to Bible study did they make?

They were two brothers born in Thessalonica, Greece, in the ninth century. They developed a written script for the Slavic languages and translated much of the Bible into Slavonic.​—3/1, pages 28-9.

What does the expression “the minding of the spirit” mean?​—Romans 8:6.

It means being controlled, dominated, and impelled by Jehovah’s active force. We can let God’s spirit operate on us by reading and studying the Bible, by obeying God’s law wholeheartedly, and by praying for God’s spirit.​—3/15, page 15.

What can we do if we feel misunderstood?

It is important to seek to clarify the matter in a spirit of love. If that does not appear to succeed, do not despair. Ask for understanding and help from Jehovah, who “is making an estimate of hearts.” (Proverbs 21:2; 1 Samuel 16:7)​—4/1, pages 21-3.