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Once We Were Wolves—Now We Are Sheep!

Once We Were Wolves—Now We Are Sheep!

Once We Were Wolves​—Now We Are Sheep!

When Sakina and I were little girls, we were neighbors. Sakina was big and sturdy, whereas I was small and thin. We used to wrangle often, but one day we had a serious scuffle. From that day onward, we neither spoke to each other nor greeted each other. Eventually, we both moved away and lost track of each other.

In 1994, I began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, and little by little my personality changed. Four years later while attending our special assembly day in Bujumbura, Burundi, I was astonished to meet up with Sakina. I was glad that she was present, but our greeting was rather subdued. Later that day, I could hardly believe my eyes when I noticed her among the baptism candidates! She too had changed radically. She was no longer the combative person with whom I had so often quarreled. How wonderful it was to see her give public evidence of her dedication to God by submitting to water baptism!

When she came up from the water, I hurried to hug her and whispered into her ear: “You remember how we fought?” “Yes,” she said, “I remember, but that was in the past. I am a new person now.”

Both of us are happy to have found the Bible truth that unites and to have changed our wolflike personalities into those of sheep belonging to the Great Shepherd, Jehovah God. Really, Bible truth does change lives.