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“At Last I Know What’s Wrong With Me!”

“At Last I Know What’s Wrong With Me!”

“At Last I Know What’s Wrong With Me!”

THAT was how a man in Tokyo felt when he read the life story in the December 1, 2000, issue of The Watchtower. The article was entitled “You Do Not Know What Your Life Will Be Tomorrow,” and it related the experience of a former missionary who suffers from the malady known medically as manic-depressive psychosis.

The man from Tokyo said in a letter addressed to the publishers of this magazine: “The symptoms described fit me perfectly. So I went to a psychiatric hospital and learned that I have manic depression. The doctor who examined me was amazed. He said, ‘People with this sickness rarely think that they are ill.’ I was helped to determine the sickness before it got too serious.”

Millions of people around the world benefit in a variety of ways from reading each issue of The Watchtower and its companion magazine, Awake! They find the articles informative and satisfying. The Watchtower magazine is now printed in 141 languages, and Awake! is published in 86 languages. You too will enjoy reading The Watchtower and Awake! regularly.