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“I Wanted to Serve God”

“I Wanted to Serve God”

Kingdom Proclaimers Report

“I Wanted to Serve God”

“GET out of her, my people.” That was an angelic call heard by the apostle John in the first century C.E. In our day millions of honesthearted ones have responded and fled “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion. (Revelation 18:1-4) Among them is Wilner from Haiti, who relates his experience.

“I was born in 1956 into a devout Catholic family in the little town of St. Marc, Haiti. Imagine my family’s joy when I was selected, along with two others from our town, to attend a seminary in St. Michel de l’Atalaye, Haiti. Then, in 1980, we were sent to Stavelot, Belgium, for additional training. There we also attended a Catholic university.

“At first I was enthusiastic about entering the priesthood. One day in the lunchroom, the priest in charge of our group asked me to stay for a few minutes because he had something he wanted to tell me. Imagine my shock when he openly declared that he was sexually attracted to me! I rejected his advances but became totally disillusioned. I wrote to my family about the incident and left the seminary a few months later, despite their displeasure. I found lodging in the village and pursued studies in another profession.

“When I returned to St. Marc, I no longer had any confidence in the Catholic Church. Still, I wanted to serve God, but I did not know what to do. I went to the Adventist church, the Ebenezer church, and the Mormon church. I was spiritually adrift.

“Then I recalled that while attending the seminary in Belgium, I used to read the Crampon Bible. In it I had discovered that God has a name. So using his name I prayed fervently to God to help me find the true religion.

“Shortly thereafter, two of Jehovah’s Witnesses moved into my neighborhood. They were quiet, respectful, and dignified. I was impressed by their way of life. One day, one of the two Witnesses, invited me to attend the annual Memorial of Christ’s death. I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and agreed to a regular Bible study with the Witnesses. In about six months, I became convinced that I had found the right way to serve God. I dedicated my life to Jehovah and was baptized on November 20, 1988.”

In time, Wilner took up the full-time service. Today, he serves as a congregation elder. He and his wife, along with their two children, serve happily in the congregation.

[Picture on page 9]

By reading the Bible, Wilner discovered that God’s name is Jehovah