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Guide Your Steps by Godly Principles

Guide Your Steps by Godly Principles

Guide Your Steps by Godly Principles

“[Jehovah is] teaching you to benefit yourself.”​—ISAIAH 48:17.

1. How does the Creator lead humans?

AS SCIENTISTS labor to unlock the secrets of the universe, they are amazed by the tremendous amount of energy that is packed in the cosmos around us. Our sun​—a medium-sized star—​produces as much energy as “100 billion hydrogen bombs exploding every second.” The Creator can control and direct such massive heavenly bodies by his sheer power. (Job 38:32; Isaiah 40:26) What about us humans, gifted with free will, moral capacity, reason, and the potential for spirituality? In what way has our Maker seen fit to lead us? He lovingly guides us by his perfect laws and lofty principles, in conjunction with our well-trained conscience.​—2 Samuel 22:31; Romans 2:14, 15.

2, 3. In what kind of obedience does God find delight?

2 God finds delight in intelligent creatures who choose to obey him. (Proverbs 27:11) Instead of programming us to submit blindly as mindless robots, Jehovah endowed us with free will so that we can make informed decisions to do what is right.​—Hebrews 5:14.

3 Jesus, who perfectly reflected his Father, said to his disciples: “You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. I no longer call you slaves.” (John 15:14, 15) In ancient times, a slave had little choice but to obey the orders of his master. On the other hand, friendship is forged by the display of qualities that appeal to the heart. We can become Jehovah’s friends. (James 2:23) This friendship is strengthened by mutual love. Jesus linked obedience to God with love when he said: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him.” (John 14:23) To that end​—and to guide us safely—​Jehovah invites us to live by his principles.

Godly Principles

4. How would you describe principles?

4 What are principles? A principle is defined as “a general or fundamental truth: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption on which others are based or from which others are derived.” (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary) A careful study of the Bible reveals that our heavenly Father provides fundamental directives that cover a variety of situations and aspects of life. He does this with our eternal benefit in view. That is in line with what wise King Solomon wrote: “Hear, my son, and accept my sayings. Then for you the years of life will become many. I will instruct you even in the way of wisdom; I will cause you to tread in the tracks of uprightness.” (Proverbs 4:10, 11) The key principles provided by Jehovah have a bearing on our relationship with him and with fellow humans, our worship, and our everyday lives. (Psalm 1:1) Let us consider some of those fundamental principles.

5. Give examples of some fundamental principles.

5 Regarding our relationship with Jehovah, Jesus stated: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” (Matthew 22:37) Additionally, God provides principles related to our dealings with fellow humans, such as the Golden Rule: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them.” (Matthew 7:12; Galatians 6:10; Titus 3:2) With respect to worship, we are admonished: “Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together.” (Hebrews 10:24, 25) As to everyday aspects of our life, the apostle Paul says: “Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.” (1 Corinthians 10:31) There are countless other principles in God’s Word.

6. How are principles distinguished from laws?

6 Principles are living, essential truths, and wise Christians learn to love them. Jehovah inspired Solomon to write: “To my words do pay attention. To my sayings incline your ear. May they not get away from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those finding them and health to all their flesh.” (Proverbs 4:20-22) How do principles differ from laws? Principles provide the basis for laws. Rules, which tend to be specific, may be for some particular time or situation, but principles are timeless. (Psalm 119:111) Divine principles do not become outdated or pass away. The inspired words of the prophet Isaiah prove true: “The green grass has dried up, the blossom has withered; but as for the word of our God, it will last to time indefinite.”​—Isaiah 40:8.

Think and Act on the Basis of Principles

7. How does God’s Word encourage us to think and act on the basis of principles?

Time and again, “the word of our God” encourages us to think and act on the basis of principles. When Jesus was asked to summarize the Law, he made two succinct statements​—one emphasizing love for Jehovah, the other stressing love for fellowman. (Matthew 22:37-40) In doing so, Jesus partially quoted from an earlier brief summary of basic tenets of the Mosaic Law, stated at Deuteronomy 6:4, 5: “Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. And you must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force.” Evidently, Jesus also had in mind God’s directive found at Leviticus 19:18. In the clear, terse, and powerful ending of the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon’s words epitomize a host of divine laws: “The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. For the true God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.”​—Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14; Micah 6:8.

8. Why is it a protection to have a firm grasp of basic Bible principles?

8 Having a firm grasp of such basic principles can help us to understand and apply more specific directives. Furthermore, if we do not thoroughly comprehend and accept basic principles, we might not be able to make sound decisions and our faith may be easily shaken. (Ephesians 4:14) If we fix such principles in our mind and heart, we will be ready to use them in making decisions. When we apply them with understanding, they bring success.​—Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 4:1-9.

9. Why is it not always easy to discern and apply Bible principles?

9 Discerning and applying Bible principles is not as easy as following a set of laws. As imperfect humans we may shy away from the effort required to reason on principles. We may prefer the convenience of a rule when we are faced with a decision or a dilemma. Sometimes we may seek direction from a mature Christian​—maybe a congregation elder—​expecting to receive a specific rule that applies to our situation. Yet, the Bible or Bible-based publications may not provide a definite rule, and even if we are given one, it might not be a blanket guide for all times and under all circumstances. You may remember that a certain man asked Jesus: “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Instead of quickly providing a ruling to resolve disputes between siblings, Jesus gave him a more general principle: “Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness.” Thus Jesus provided a guideline that was useful then and remains so now.​—Luke 12:13-15.

10. How does conducting ourselves in harmony with principles reveal the motives of our heart?

10 You have probably seen people who are inclined to obey laws grudgingly, out of fear of a penalty. Respect for principles precludes such an attitude. The very nature of principles moves those governed by them to respond from the heart. In fact, most principles do not involve an immediate punishment for those not conforming to them. This gives us the opportunity to reveal why we obey Jehovah, what our heart motivation is. We find an example in Joseph’s refusing the immoral advances of Potiphar’s wife. Though Jehovah had not yet given a written law against adultery and no divine sentence was prescribed for having relations with another man’s wife, Joseph was aware of the principles of God-ordained marital faithfulness. (Genesis 2:24; 12:18-20) We can see from his response that such principles powerfully affected him: “How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?”​—Genesis 39:9.

11. In what areas do Christians want to be guided by Jehovah’s principles?

11 Today, Christians want to be guided by Jehovah’s principles when it comes to personal matters, such as choice of associates, entertainment, music, and reading material. (1 Corinthians 15:33; Philippians 4:8) As we grow in knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of Jehovah and his standards, our conscience, our moral sense, will help us to apply divine principles under whatever circumstances we face, even in very private matters. Guided by Bible principles, we will not look for loopholes in God’s laws; nor will we imitate those who try to see how far they can go without actually breaking a certain law. We realize that such thinking is self-defeating and harmful.​—James 1:22-25.

12. What is a key to being guided by godly principles?

12 Mature Christians recognize that a key to following godly principles is wanting to know how Jehovah feels about a matter. “O you lovers of Jehovah,” exhorts the psalmist, “hate what is bad.” (Psalm 97:10) Listing some of the things that God would classify as bad, Proverbs 6:16-19 says: “There are six things that Jehovah does hate; yes, seven are things detestable to his soul: lofty eyes, a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, a heart fabricating hurtful schemes, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, a false witness that launches forth lies, and anyone sending forth contentions among brothers.” When a desire to reflect how Jehovah feels on such fundamentals governs our lives, living in accord with principles becomes a consistent practice.​—Jeremiah 22:16.

Good Motive Is Needed

13. What type of thinking did Jesus stress in his Sermon on the Mount?

13 Knowing and applying principles also protects us from the snare of empty, formal worship. There is a difference between following principles and legalistically obeying rules. Jesus clearly showed this in the Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 5:17-48) Remember that Jesus’ listeners were Jews, so their conduct should have been governed by the Mosaic Law. But in reality they had a distorted view of the Law. They had come to stress the letter of the Law rather than its spirit. And they emphasized their traditions, putting such above the teaching of God. (Matthew 12:9-12; 15:1-9) As a consequence, the people in general were not taught to think in terms of principles.

14. How did Jesus help his listeners to think on the basis of principles?

14 In contrast, Jesus included in the Sermon on the Mount principles in five areas of morality: anger, marriage and divorce, promises, revenge, and love and hate. In each case, Jesus showed the benefit of following a principle. Thus Jesus raised the moral standard for his followers. For example, on the matter of adultery, he gave us a principle that guards not only our acts but also our thoughts and desires: “Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”​—Matthew 5:28.

15. How can we avoid any tendency to be legalistic?

15 This example illustrates that we should never lose sight of the intent and spirit of Jehovah’s principles. We should certainly not try to earn God’s favor through moral formalism. Jesus exposed the fallacy of such an attitude by pointing to God’s mercy and love. (Matthew 12:7; Luke 6:1-11) Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live (or demand others to live) by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don’ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible. We will be more concerned about principles of love and obedience toward God than about the outside appearance of worship.​—Luke 11:42.

Happy Results

16. Give examples of the principles behind some Bible directives.

16 As we strive to obey Jehovah, it is important to realize that his laws are based on key principles. For example, Christians are to avoid idolatry, sexual immorality, and the misuse of blood. (Acts 15:28, 29) What underlies the Christian stand on those issues? God deserves our exclusive devotion; we should be faithful to our mate; and Jehovah is the Life-Giver. (Genesis 2:24; Exodus 20:5; Psalm 36:9) Appreciating these underlying principles makes it easier to accept and follow the related laws.

17. What good results can come from perceiving and applying Bible principles?

17 As we discern the underlying principles and apply them, we realize that they are for our good. The spiritual blessings enjoyed by God’s people are often accompanied by tangible benefits. For example, those who abstain from smoking, who live moral lives, and who respect the sanctity of blood avoid falling victim to certain diseases. Similarly, living in harmony with divine truth may benefit us in economic, social, or domestic ways. Any such tangible benefits prove the value of Jehovah’s standards, that they truly are practical. But gaining such practical advantages is not in itself the main reason for applying God’s principles. True Christians obey Jehovah because they love him, because he deserves their worship, and because it is the right thing to do.​—Revelation 4:11.

18. If we want to be successful Christians, what should guide our life?

18 Letting our life be guided by Bible principles leads to a superior way of life, which in itself may attract others to the way of God. Most important, our life course honors Jehovah. We realize that Jehovah is really a loving God who wants the best for us. When we make decisions in accord with Bible principles and see how Jehovah blesses us, we come to feel even closer to him. Yes, we further develop a loving relationship with our heavenly Father.

Do You Recall?

• What is a principle?

• How are principles distinguished from laws?

• Why is it beneficial for us to think and act on the basis of principles?

[Study Questions]

[Box on page 20]

Wilson, a Christian from Ghana, was notified that in a few days, he would be fired from his job. On his final day at work, he was assigned to wash the private car of the managing director of the company. When Wilson found a sum of money in the car, his superior told him that God had sent the money because Wilson was about to be laid off that day. However, applying Bible principles on honesty, Wilson gave the money back to the director. Surprised and impressed, the director not only offered Wilson permanent employment immediately but also promoted him to be a senior member of the company staff.​—Ephesians 4:28.

[Box on page 21]

Rukia is an Albanian woman in her 60’s. Because of a family disagreement, she did not speak to her brother for over 17 years. She began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses and learned that true Christians have to be at peace with others, not holding grudges. She prayed all night, and with her heart pounding, she walked to her brother’s house. Her niece opened the door. Surprised, she asked Rukia: “Who died? What are you doing here?” Rukia asked to see her brother. She calmly explained that learning about Bible principles and about Jehovah had motivated her to make peace with her brother. After tears and hugs, they celebrated this special reunion!​—Romans 12:17, 18.

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Matthew 5:27, 28

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Matthew 5:3

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Matthew 5:24

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“When he saw the crowds he went up into the mountain; and after he sat down his disciples came to him; and he opened his mouth and began teaching them.”​—MATTHEW 5:1, 2