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Disabilities Know No Boundary

Disabilities Know No Boundary

Disabilities Know No Boundary

CHRISTIAN, who lives in an African country, was abducted by soldiers who tried to force him to join the army, but he refused to comply because of his Bible-trained conscience. The soldiers then took him to a military camp where, after he was beaten for four days, one of them shot him in the leg. Christian managed to get to a hospital, but his leg had to be amputated below the knee. In another African country, even little children have had limbs cut off by armed rebels. And from Cambodia to the Balkans, from Afghanistan to Angola, land mines continue to mutilate and disable young and old indiscriminately.

Also taking a toll are accidents and disease, such as diabetes. Even toxins in the environment can lead to disability. In adjacent neighborhoods in an Eastern European city, for instance, a number of children have been born without one of their forearms. They have only a short stump below the elbow. Evidence points to genetic damage caused by chemical pollution. Countless other people still have all their limbs but are disabled nonetheless because of paralysis or some other affliction. Indeed, disabilities know no boundary.

Whatever the cause, disabilities can be devastating. Junior lost his lower left leg at the age of 20. He later said: “I had many emotional difficulties. I cried a lot over the fact that I would never again have my leg. I did not know what to do. I was confused.” In time, however, Junior’s attitude changed markedly. He began to study the Bible and learned things that not only have helped him to cope but also have given him a wonderful hope of a happy future right here on earth. If you are disabled, would you like to share that hope?

If so, then please read the following article. We recommend that you look up the Scripture references in your own Bible so that you can see for yourself what the Creator has in store for those who learn about his purpose and attune their lives to it.