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‘The Word of God Exerts Power’

‘The Word of God Exerts Power’

Kingdom Proclaimers Report

‘The Word of God Exerts Power’

IN THE sunny Caribbean island of Jamaica, most people are acquainted with the Bible. The King James Version, in fact, can be found in nearly every home, and some people have experienced that “the word of God is alive and exerts power.” (Hebrews 4:12) This power can change lives, as is exemplified by the following experience.

A man named Cleveland had just returned home from work when one of Jehovah’s Witnesses called on him. After sharing some points from the Scriptures, the Witness left with him the Bible study aid Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. Little did Cleveland realize how much God’s Word would exert power in his life.

Cleveland used to pray three times a day, asking God to help him find the correct way to worship Him. Cleveland was convinced that his parents did not worship in the right way, but after examining other religions, he became disillusioned. Though he had heard about Jehovah’s Witnesses, he questioned whether they had the truth. Despite his reservations, Cleveland agreed to study the Bible with the Witness who called at his door. Why? Because he wanted to prove the Witnesses wrong!

Soon Cleveland learned that the immoral relationships he was having with two different women were displeasing to God. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) After only two studies, he mustered up the courage to break off his ties with the women. He also began attending Christian meetings at the Kingdom Hall. But this proved to be another test.

Cleveland was deeply involved in his community’s soccer team, and its games were interfering with his meeting attendance. What would he do? In spite of intense pressure from his teammates, coach, and friends, Cleveland decided to quit the soccer team. Yes, God’s Word was beginning to exert power, influencing him for the good!

The power of God’s Word became manifest again when Cleveland began to share his Bible knowledge with others. (Acts 1:8) As a result, two of his former teammates began attending the meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. After Cleveland qualified to become a publisher of the good news, he found great joy in the ministry, using God’s Word to help others.

Continuing to be moved by the power of God’s Word, Cleveland eventually symbolized his dedication to Jehovah by water baptism and is privileged to serve as a full-time minister and as a ministerial servant in the congregation.

In Jamaica and around the world, thousands of people have come to learn that, indeed, God’s Word “is alive and exerts power.”

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