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The Best Time to Be Alive

The Best Time to Be Alive

The Best Time to Be Alive

WHEN faced with trying circumstances, do you long for “the good old days”? Then consider the words of wise King Solomon: “Do not say: ‘Why has it happened that the former days proved to be better than these?’ for it is not due to wisdom that you have asked about this.”​—Ecclesiastes 7:10.

Why did Solomon give this advice? Because he knew that having a realistic view of the past is a valuable aid in coping with the unpleasant situations of the present. Those who yearn for “the good old days” may actually forget that those days were also filled with problems and troubles and that life was never truly ideal. Some things in the past may have been better, but most likely others were not. As Solomon noted, there is no wisdom in unrealistically dwelling on the past, since it is evident that we cannot turn the clock back.

Can there be any harm in nostalgically looking to the past? Yes, if it keeps us from being flexible and adapting to the present or if it prevents us from appreciating the times in which we live and the hope that can be ours.

Actually, now is the best time to be alive, in spite of increasing world problems. Why? Because we are nearing the fulfillment of God’s purpose regarding our earth and the blessings of the peaceful reign of his Kingdom. The Bible promises: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4) Then, with conditions so much better, no one will have reason to yearn for “the good old days.”