The Last Supper—What Is It?
The Last Supper—What Is It?
WHAT comes to mind when you hear the expression “the last supper”? Many people will think of the much admired fresco in Milan, Italy, by the painter Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). The fact is that the Last Supper has been a popular subject for artists, writers, and musicians throughout the centuries.
What, though, is the Last Supper, and what meaning does it have for people living in the 21st century? Encyclopedias and dictionaries will tell you that the Last Supper, also called the Lord’s Supper, is the meal that Jesus Christ had with his apostles the evening before his sacrificial death. Since it was the last evening meal that Jesus had with his faithful followers, it is traditionally called the Last Supper. And since it was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the name Lord’s Supper is appropriate.
Over the centuries, many have sacrificed their lives for what they considered to be worthy causes. Some of these deaths benefited certain people for a period of time. By comparison, though, none of those self-sacrificing deaths, laudable as they may have been, are anywhere near as significant as the death of Jesus Christ. Moreover, no death in mankind’s troubled history can possibly have an effect so universally far-reaching. Why?
To answer that question and to help you find out what meaning the Lord’s Supper has for you, we invite you to read the following article.