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True Worship Unites a Family

True Worship Unites a Family

True Worship Unites a Family

MARIA was 13 years old when she and her younger sister, Lucy, heard about Jehovah from a relative. He also explained the hope of Paradise on earth. Intrigued, they went with him to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Maria was impressed by the clear instruction given there. It was so different from the church, where they did little else but sing! Soon the children were studying the Bible with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Their older brother, Hugo, was interested in philosophy and evolution. He considered himself an atheist. But while doing military service, he read the book Life​—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?  * He found answers to questions that no other religion could give. On completing his military service, he started strengthening his newfound faith in God by studying the Bible and attending meetings with his sisters. Maria and Lucy were baptized in 1992, two years after first hearing the truth, and their brother, two years later.

Meanwhile their parents, devoted to Catholic traditions, showed little interest in the truth. They considered Jehovah’s Witnesses to be annoying, although they admired the good manners and modest dress of the young Witnesses whom their children invited to their home. Also, at mealtimes, when the children shared things that they had learned at the meetings, their parents’ curiosity was aroused.

Still, both parents were interested in witchcraft. The father was a drunkard who beat the mother. The family was on the verge of a breakup. Then, the father spent two weeks in prison for drunken conduct. While in prison, he started to read the Bible. As he read, he came across Jesus’ words concerning the sign of the last days. Bewildered, both father and mother went to the Kingdom Hall and accepted a home Bible study. On learning the truth, they destroyed all their books on witchcraft and found relief from demon attacks by calling on Jehovah’s name. They began making considerable changes in their personalities.

Can you imagine how moving it was for Maria and Lucy to watch their parents being baptized by Hugo at one of the district conventions in Bolivia in 1999? Some nine years had passed since Maria and Lucy first heard about Jehovah and his promises. Along with Hugo, they are now in the full-time ministry. How happy they are that true worship brought unity to their family!


^ par. 3 Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.