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“This Is a Revelation!”

“This Is a Revelation!”

Kingdom Proclaimers Report

“This Is a Revelation!”

DOROTA, a full-time minister of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Poland, accompanied her 14-year-old son on a routine visit to the school’s clinic. During the examination, the doctor, Janina, * asked Dorota about her son’s duties at home.

“When I am not able to do it, my son prepares dinner for all six of us in the family,” replied Dorota. “He also cleans the house and helps to make repairs around the home. He likes to read. He’s a good student.”

“That’s incredible,” said Janina. “I’ve been working here for 12 years, and I have never heard anything like this.”

Sensing an opportunity to give a witness, Dorota explained: “Many parents today fail to give their children proper training. That is why their children often have low self-respect.”

“How do you know all of this?” asked Janina. “Most parents do not have a clue about these things.”

“The Bible is a precious source of such information,” replied Dorota. “For example, according to Deuteronomy 6:6-9, educating our children begins with educating ourselves. Shouldn’t we first instill in our own heart and mind the values we want to inculcate in our children?”

“This is incredible,” Janina remarked. “This is incredible!” Then she asked Dorota how the Bible helped her in bringing up and teaching her children.

“We study the Bible every week with our children,” Dorota explained. “We use a book entitled Questions Young People Ask​—Answers That Work. * She then went on to describe the book and mentioned some of the topics it covers.

“This is a revelation!” exclaimed Janina. “Could I have a look at that book?”

An hour later, Dorota returned with the book.

“What religion are you?” Janina inquired, as she examined the book.

“I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

“How do Jehovah’s Witnesses treat those who are of another faith?”

“Just as I treat you​—with respect,” Dorota replied, adding: “Of course, we wish they would come to know the truth of the Bible.”

“I feel so much better already,” Janina confessed.

At the end of her visit, Dorota urged Janina to read the Bible. “It will give meaning to your life and help you in your work.”

“You have really inspired me to do so,” admitted Janina.

With tact and determination, Dorota turned a routine visit to the doctor’s office into a fine witness.​—1 Peter 3:15.


^ par. 3 Not her given name.

^ par. 10 Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.