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“How Powerful God’s Word Really Is!”

“How Powerful God’s Word Really Is!”

“How Powerful God’s Word Really Is!”

“THE word of God is alive and exerts power.” (Hebrews 4:12) Attesting to the irresistible power of God’s Word, the 2003 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses featured six real-life stories from around the world. Under the heading “Before and After,” the calendar showed how the educational work of Jehovah’s Witnesses helps people to improve their morals, abandon ruinous life-styles, strengthen their family life, and nurture a personal relationship with God.

Several letters of appreciation have been received regarding the 2003 calendar. Here are some of these comments:

“This calendar is a testimony to true Christians that there are others just like them who have had to put up a hard fight for the faith. Now they can look at the pictures as reminders of the changes some have made.”​—Steven, United States.

“I really wanted to write these few words in order to let you know how much the 2003 calendar has touched my heart. Never did a calendar have such an impact on me. These life stories will become part of the material that I carry in my witnessing case in order to show people the living and impressive proof of the influence the Bible can have on individuals.”​—Marc, Belgium.

“I was so very moved by the calendar. I was choked with emotion to read and see how Jehovah has transformed these individuals. As a result, I am inspired to continue making changes in my own life. Now more than ever, I feel part of our worldwide brotherhood.”​—Mary, United States.

“Jesus was deeply moved by the spiritual plight of the crowds. Thank you for imitating Christ’s example by featuring the life stories appearing in our 2003 calendar. Never before in my life has a calendar moved me to tears.”​—Cassandra, United States.

“When I was 11, I started smoking; later I used drugs. I often thought about ending my life. When I came to know Jehovah, I was helped to quit those habits. This calendar is very important to me. The examples of my brothers and sisters from around the world make me strong. Now I know that I am not alone in this fight and that the most important thing is love for Jehovah and wholehearted service to him.”​—Margaret, Poland.

“Oh, how powerful God’s Word really is! When I received the 2003 calendar, it was all I could do to hold back my tears. These experiences, along with the pictures, are very faith strengthening.”​—Darlene, United States.

“The former life-style of some of these people closely paralleled my former life-style. Jehovah has given me the strength to give up seemingly unconquerable vices. Thank you so much for these real-life stories.”​—William, United States.