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A Television Program Led Her to Glorify God

A Television Program Led Her to Glorify God

Kingdom Proclaimers Report

A Television Program Led Her to Glorify God

THE apostle Paul said that “some are preaching the Christ through envy and rivalry, but others also through goodwill.” (Philippians 1:15) On occasion, even those who try to discredit Jehovah’s people have unwittingly caused righthearted ones to turn to the truth.

In November 1998, a documentary featuring images of Bethel, the branch facilities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Louviers, France, appeared on French national television. In spite of the varied reactions it received, the program produced positive results in unexpected ways.

Among those who watched the program was Anna-Paula, who lived just 35 miles [60 km] from Bethel. Anna-Paula, a divorced mother with two children, was looking for a job. So the next morning, she phoned Bethel to inquire about finding employment there. “I had the impression that it was a wholesome place and that the work done there was useful,” she said. How surprised she was to learn that all those serving at Bethel are ministers who volunteer their time! After a brief discussion regarding the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses, she agreed to have a Witness call on her.

When Léna, a full-time minister in the local congregation, called, a long conversation ensued, and Anna-Paula accepted the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. * By the next visit, Anna-Paula had read the book from cover to cover and had a host of questions. She readily accepted a Bible study. Anna-Paula said: “For me, it was the opportunity to discover the Word of God. I had never had a Bible in my hands before.”

In January, Anna-Paula visited Bethel, and the following week she attended her first Christian meeting. Shortly thereafter, she started to study the Bible with her children and to witness to her friends. “I couldn’t keep what I was learning to myself,” she says. “I wanted to share Bible truths with people and to console them.” After struggling to overcome a number of personal problems, Anna-Paula began attending meetings regularly. She progressed rapidly and was baptized on May 5, 2002.

What is more, as a result of Anna-Paula’s fine example and zealous preaching, her mother began studying the Bible and was soon baptized. “Words can’t express the joy that I feel,” says Anna-Paula. “I thank Jehovah every day for coming into my life and for all the blessings that he has given me.”


^ par. 6 Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

[Pictures on page 8]

Above: Anna-Paula

Below: Entrance to France branch office