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Can Faith Heal the Sick?

Can Faith Heal the Sick?

Can Faith Heal the Sick?

WHEN sick, we seek relief and healing. Likely, you know from the Bible that time and again Jesus Christ healed all kinds of illnesses, bringing relief to many afflicted ones. How did such healings come about? By the “power of God,” the Bible says. (Luke 9:42, 43; Acts 19:11, 12) Hence, it was holy spirit from God that caused the cure, not merely the faith of the individual. (Acts 28:7-9) That was why Jesus did not require sick people to express their faith in him in order to be healed.

You may wonder: ‘Are miraculous cures a thing of the past, or will healings of the kind that Jesus performed occur again? What hope is there for those who are suffering from a painful or incurable disease?’

The Bible explains that in God’s new world of righteousness, the power of God will again cause the sort of miraculous healings that Jesus performed while on earth. Jehovah’s Witnesses in your locality will be happy to show you how and when God will accomplish what no faith healer could ever do​—eliminate all diseases, as well as death. Yes, God “will actually swallow up death forever.”​—Isaiah 25:8.