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Working What Is Good in Times of Need

Working What Is Good in Times of Need

Working What Is Good in Times of Need

“LET us work what is good toward all,” urged the apostle Paul, “but especially toward those related to us in the faith.” (Galatians 6:10) Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide diligently endeavor to apply that principle in their lives, working what is good toward everyone, particularly their fellow believers. This is seen again and again in times of need. Let us consider recent examples from three countries.

In December 2002, a powerful typhoon slammed into Guam, with winds exceeding 190 miles per hour [300 km/hr]. Many homes were torn apart, some completely destroyed. Local congregations quickly organized cleanup crews to help the Witness families who were hit the hardest. The Guam branch supplied materials and manpower to repair damaged homes, and the Hawaii branch gave support. Within weeks, a team of carpenters arrived from Hawaii to help with the reconstruction work, and to assist them, some local brothers took vacation from their jobs. The spirit of joyful cooperation was a witness to all in the community.

In a suburb of the city of Mandalay, Myanmar, a fire broke out not far from a Kingdom Hall. Nearby was a house belonging to an inactive sister and her family. The wind was blowing in the direction of her home, so she ran to the hall to ask for help. At that time, the hall was being renovated, so there were many brothers on hand. They were surprised to meet the sister because they did not know that she lived in the area. Quickly, the brothers assisted in moving the family’s belongings to safety. When the husband, who was not a Witness, heard about the fire, he rushed home to find the brothers caring for his household. Impressed and grateful, he was also relieved because looters often exploit such situations. This expression of kindness by the brothers motivated the sister and her son to associate once again with the Christian congregation, and they are now attending all the meetings.

During the past service year, many in Mozambique faced famine on account of droughts and crop failures. The local branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses responded quickly by providing food for needy ones. Distribution took place at Kingdom Halls, sometimes after the congregation meetings. One sister who is a single parent said: “I came to the meeting depressed, not knowing what I would give my children to eat when we returned home.” The loving assistance provided by the brothers quickly lifted her spirits. “It was like a resurrection for me!” she said.

The Witnesses also “work what is good” in a spiritual way by sharing the Bible’s message of comfort and hope. They believe as did the wise man of long ago: “As for the one listening to [godly wisdom], he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.”​—Proverbs 1:33.

[Pictures on page 31]

1, 2. Distribution of food to needy ones in Mozambique

3, 4. The typhoon in Guam destroyed many homes

[Credit Lines]

Child, left: Andrea Booher/FEMA News Photo; woman, above: AP Photo/Pacific Daily News, Masako Watanabe