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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Why not see if you can answer the following questions?

• What was the Complutensian Polyglot, and why was it significant?

It was a printed, multilingual Bible that set out in parallel, adjacent columns the best text then available in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, along with some portions in Aramaic. This polyglot Bible was a major step forward in producing a refined text of the original languages.​—4/15, pages 28-31.

• How can humans make God rejoice?

As a real living person, Jehovah is capable of thought, actions, and feelings. He is “the happy God” and takes pleasure in accomplishing his purpose. (1 Timothy 1:11; Psalm 104:31) The more sensitive we are to God’s feelings, the more we will become aware of what we can do to make his heart rejoice.​—5/15, pages 4-7.

• Why did David allow his wife Michal to have a teraphim image?

When King Saul plotted to kill David, Michal helped him to escape, putting on the couch an image that was perhaps in the shape of a man. She may have had a teraphim because her heart was not complete toward God. David either did not know about it or tolerated it because she was the daughter of King Saul. (1 Chronicles 16:25, 26)​—6/1, page 29.

• What was the underlying focus of God’s decrees about blood?

By what God stated after the Flood, in the Mosaic Law, and in the decree found at Acts 15:28, 29, he pointed to the sacrifice involving Jesus’ shed blood. Only by that blood can we gain forgiveness and have peace with God. (Colossians 1:20)​—6/15, pages 14-19.

• How many miracles of Jesus are mentioned in the Bible?

The Gospel accounts refer to 35 miracles of Jesus. But the exact number of Jesus’ miracles, including unreported ones, is not revealed. (Matthew 14:14)​—7/15, page 5.