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Is Good Counsel Needed?

Is Good Counsel Needed?

Is Good Counsel Needed?

TODAY, many believe that they have the ability to know good from bad and that they have the right to do whatever they want. Others say that almost anything goes as long as it makes a person feel good. Marriage and family life, long considered the basic structures of human society, are being affected drastically.​—Genesis 3:5.

Consider Verónica, * who lives in Mexico. She reports: “Shortly before our 15th wedding anniversary, my husband told me that he was having a relationship with another woman. He said that since this woman was younger and made him feel better, he would not leave her. I was shocked at the thought that my best friend would not be by my side anymore to keep me company. I used to think that the death of our dear ones was the greatest cause of pain. But for me, adultery was even harder because not only did I lose one whom I loved deeply but he continued to do things that hurt me.”

Then there is the situation of a 22-year-old man who is already divorced and has a son but who is not willing to accept his responsibilities as a father. He expects his mother to care for him and his son. If she does not agree to all his demands, he gets furious and attacks her verbally, much like an ill-mannered child. His mother feels helpless in the face of such offensive behavior.

These are not isolated cases. Legal separation and divorce are on the increase everywhere. Many children see one of their parents leave home to start a new life. Some young ones have lost all respect for others, including their parents, and engage in conduct that would have been almost unimaginable in the past. Sexual experimentation, drug abuse, attacks by youths, and murders of teachers or parents by children have become rather common in many lands. And you may have noticed that child rearing and marriage are not the only fields facing difficulties in today’s world.

As we witness these developments, we may wonder what has happened to society. If people really know good from bad, why do so many problems remain unsolved? Is there a need for good counsel? Is there a source of such beneficial counsel, one that has proved to be trustworthy? Although many say that they believe in God and his written Word, this does not seem to influence their decisions. But what benefits can we derive when we seek and obtain counsel from God? Let us consider that in the next article.


^ par. 3 Name has been changed.