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A Letter From Alejandra

A Letter From Alejandra

Kingdom Proclaimers Report

A Letter From Alejandra

LETTER WRITING has long proved to be an effective means of giving a witness. Though the outcome may at times seem uncertain, those who persist in using this tool have been richly blessed. They remember the Bible’s wise counsel: “In the morning sow your seed and until the evening do not let your hand rest; for you are not knowing where this will have success, either here or there, or whether both of them will alike be good.”​—Ecclesiastes 11:6.

Alejandra, a young Witness who had been serving at the Mexico branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses for about ten years, was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. Her condition worsened, and she became too weak to keep up with her daily routine. Not wanting to neglect her ministry, however, Alejandra decided to write letters. She wrote about the free home Bible study arrangement and included her mother’s telephone number. Then she gave the letters to her mother for her to leave at residences where people were not at home during her door-to-door ministry.

Meanwhile, Diojany, a young girl from Guatemala, went to work as a housemaid in Cancún, Mexico. While there, she came in contact with Jehovah’s Witnesses and enjoyed having Bible discussions with them. Later, her employers decided to move to Mexico City and wanted her to come along. Diojany hesitated to move because it would mean losing contact with the Witnesses.

“Don’t worry,” her employers assured her, “there are Witnesses everywhere. We will look for them as soon as we get there.” With that happy prospect, Diojany agreed to go with them. Once in Mexico City, Diojany’s employers searched for the Witnesses. For some reason, they were unable to find them, even though there were over 41,000 Witnesses and 730 congregations in that city.

Soon, Diojany was getting discouraged because she had not been able to find the Witnesses to resume her Bible discussions. One day, her employer lady came to her, saying: “Surprise! Your God has heard your prayers.” Handing her a letter, she said: “The Witnesses have left this letter for you.” It was a letter from Alejandra.

Diojany got in touch with Alejandra’s mother and sister, Blanca, and accepted a Bible study. After some weeks, she met Alejandra and had a heartwarming visit. Alejandra encouraged her to continue to apply herself in her Bible study so that she could make spiritual progress.

A few months later, in July 2003, Alejandra died, leaving her fellow believers a fine example of faith and courage. At the funeral, many were deeply touched when they met Diojany and heard her say: “Alejandra and her family have been a wonderful example for me. I am determined to serve Jehovah and get baptized soon. How I long to see Alejandra again in the coming Paradise!”

Yes, a letter may be a small thing. But what favorable and lasting effects it can have!