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An Inheritance You Can Count On

An Inheritance You Can Count On

An Inheritance You Can Count On

“IF YOU receive a notification in the mail from an ‘estate locator’ saying that there is an unclaimed inheritance waiting for you, beware. You could be the target of a slick con artist.”

That is a warning that the United States Postal Inspection Service posted on its Web site. Why? Because thousands of people received a notice in the mail saying, ‘A relative of yours has died and left you an inheritance.’ As a result, many mailed in a fee of $30 or more for an ‘estate report’ that supposedly would explain where the inheritance was located and how it could be claimed. They were sadly disappointed. All respondents received the same report​—and the chance of anyone inheriting anything was practically nil.

Such schemes prey on people’s natural desire to receive an inheritance. Yet, the Bible speaks approvingly of those who provide an inheritance when it says: “One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons.” (Proverbs 13:22) As a matter of fact, none other than Jesus Christ himself made this well-known and much-loved statement in his Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”​—Matthew 5:5, King James Version.

Jesus’ words bring to mind what King David of ancient Israel was inspired to write centuries earlier: “The meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”​—Psalm 37:11, KJ.

“Inherit the earth”​—what an exciting prospect! But can we be sure that this is not just another crafty scheme designed to deprive people of something? Yes, we can. Since the earth is part of Jehovah’s marvelous creation, he as the Maker and Owner has the legal right to bequeath it to whomever he chooses. Through King David, Jehovah made this prophetic promise to His beloved Son, Jesus Christ: “Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession.” (Psalm 2:8) For this reason, the apostle Paul described Jesus as the one “whom [God] appointed heir of all things.” (Hebrews 1:2) We can, therefore, have full confidence that when Jesus said that the meek “shall inherit the earth,” he did so in good faith, and he has the proper authority to fulfill his promise.​—Matthew 28:18.

The crucial question, then, is, How will that promise come true? Everywhere we look today, it seems that the aggressive and the high-minded are gaining the upper hand and are taking what they want. Where do the meek come into the picture? In addition, the earth is plagued by serious problems with pollution, and its resources are being exploited by the greedy and the shortsighted. Will there even be an earth worth inheriting? We invite you to read the next article to find the answer to these and other important questions.

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Are you in line for a real inheritance?