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‘Glad for My Training’

‘Glad for My Training’

‘Glad for My Training’

YOUNG Kazuna was stunned when her teacher suggested that she enter an English speech contest. The contest was open to all high schools in Japan’s large northern island of Hokkaido, but her school had never entered a student before. On the day of the contest, Kazuna was tense because she had to compete with about 50 other students. She became even more nervous when she spotted two judges whose native language was English.

The winners were announced, beginning with the winner of the lowest prize. When Kazuna’s name was finally called, she was dumbfounded. She and her teacher, sitting next to her, stared at each other in amazement. Still shocked, Kazuna went to the stage and received her trophy​—for first prize!

“This was possible only because of the training Jehovah’s organization provides through the Theocratic Ministry School,” explained a happy Kazuna. “I’m so glad that I have received this training.” That school, which Kazuna has shared in since she was small, is one of the congregation meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In preparation for the contest, Kazuna paid special attention to the use of the microphone, speaking with warmth and enthusiasm, using gestures, audience contact, and other subjects taught in the Theocratic Ministry School.

Please accept our invitation to come to observe this school, conducted weekly at a local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. See for yourself how both young and old benefit. The meeting is open to the public. For further information on the school nearest to your home, please contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area.