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Mealtime—More Than Just a Time to Eat!

Mealtime—More Than Just a Time to Eat!

Mealtime​—More Than Just a Time to Eat!

EVERYONE enjoys a fine meal. Add to the meal good conversation and warm association with people you love, and it becomes a delightful event that satisfies more than just our hunger. Many families make it a practice to gather together at least once a day to share a meal. Mealtime gives a family the opportunity to discuss the day’s events or plans. Parents who listen to their children’s comments and expressions get a glimpse of the thinking and feelings of their young ones. Over time, the happy, relaxed association enjoyed at mealtime builds within a family a sense of security, trust, and love that adds stability to the family unit.

Today, because many family members are busy and always on the move, they find it difficult to meet together for a meal. In some parts of the world, local culture frowns upon a family eating together or even talking during mealtime. Other families have the habit of turning on the TV during the meal, effectively robbing themselves of any meaningful communication.

Christian parents, however, are always alert to opportunities to build up their households. (Proverbs 24:27) Long ago, parents were told that one of the best opportunities to communicate God’s word to their children was ‘when they sit in their house.’ (Deuteronomy 6:7) Regularly sitting down together for a meal offers parents a unique chance to build within their children a deeper love for Jehovah and his righteous principles. By cultivating a happy and relaxed atmosphere, you can make mealtime an enjoyable and upbuilding experience for your family too. Yes, make mealtime more than just a time to eat!