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A Humble African Who Loved God’s Word

A Humble African Who Loved God’s Word

A Humble African Who Loved God’s Word

VISITORS to Africa are often surprised to find how easy it is to start a conversation on Bible topics with the local people. Such questions as, “What is the Kingdom of God?” or “Is there a lasting solution to problems like food shortage, disease, war, and crime?” easily find listening ears. Many will gladly allow a stranger to show them the answers from the Bible. This often leads to a regular study of the Bible. And as the students make spiritual progress, they become baptized Christians.

One of the first Africans to respond in that way is mentioned in the Bible at Acts 8:26-40. He was an Ethiopian man who had traveled to Jerusalem to worship the true God, Jehovah.

As shown in the picture below, the Ethiopian man is returning home in his chariot, reading from an open scroll. A stranger approaches him and asks: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” Humbly, the Ethiopian acknowledges his need for help and entreats the stranger, the Christian evangelizer Philip, to get into the chariot. Then he asks Philip to explain the meaning of the Scripture passage he has just read. Philip explains that it is a prophecy pointing to the recent death of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Philip also relates other matters concerning “the good news about Jesus,” undoubtedly including Jesus’ resurrection.

Having heard these wonderful truths, the Ethiopian wants to become a disciple of Jesus and asks: “What prevents me from getting baptized?” Following his baptism, this humble African man happily gets back on the road home, and the Bible speaks no more about him.

Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses are helping millions of people around the world to learn about the same “good news.” About six million free home Bible studies are currently being conducted.