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Self-Sacrifice Brings Jehovah’s Blessing

Self-Sacrifice Brings Jehovah’s Blessing

“My Help Is From Jehovah”

Self-Sacrifice Brings Jehovah’s Blessing

A MAN travels by bicycle in the deep forest of Cameroon. For hours, he cycles along flooded roads and through mud, facing danger in order to strengthen others. To teach an isolated group, some in Zimbabwe walk nine miles [15 km] through flooding rivers, balancing their clothes and shoes on their head to keep them dry. Elsewhere, a woman gets up at four o’clock in the morning to visit and teach a nurse who can spare an hour only early in the day.

What do the people making such efforts have in common? They are all full-time ministers of Jehovah’s Witnesses engaging in the work of teaching Bible truth. They include regular and special pioneers, missionaries, traveling overseers, and thousands of volunteers at Bethel homes around the world. And self-sacrifice is their hallmark. *

Proper Motive

Jehovah’s Witnesses are heeding the apostle Paul’s admonition to Timothy: “Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright.” (2 Timothy 2:15) But what motivates hundreds of thousands of Witnesses to serve as full-time ministers?

When full-time servants are asked why they are exerting themselves in Jehovah’s service, their answer involves love for God and for fellow humans. (Matthew 22:37-39) This is most appropriate, for without love as the motive, any amount of effort would be in vain.​—1 Corinthians 13:1-3.

Self-Sacrificing Service

All dedicated Christians have accepted Jesus’ call: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) To disown ourselves means to submit willingly to being owned and directed by Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. For many, this has led to self-sacrificing service in the full-time ministry.

Many Witnesses make great efforts to expand their service to Jehovah. Consider 56-year-old Júlia, a regular pioneer in São Paulo, Brazil. “A Chinese brother telephoned to ask me if I was willing to learn Chinese,” she recalls. “Because of my age, I had not considered learning a new language. But after some days, I accepted the challenge. Today, I am able to give Scriptural presentations in Chinese.”

The branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Peru reports: “In recent years, hundreds of regular pioneers have moved to unassigned territories, displaying a courageous and self-sacrificing spirit. They move to distant towns where there are no basic services and work opportunities are limited. These brothers and sisters are willing to do whatever it takes to remain in their assignments. But most important, their activity in the ministry is a blessing in one place after another. Traveling overseers report that new groups have been formed with the help of these self-sacrificing regular pioneers.”

Some Christians have risked their lives in order to help fellow believers. (Romans 16:3, 4) A circuit overseer in a war-torn area of Africa reports: “Before reaching the last roadblock between the territories occupied by the rebels and that controlled by the government, my wife and I were surrounded by four rebel military commanders and their bodyguards, who inquired about our identity. While checking our identity cards, they saw that we were from the government-controlled area, so they became nervous. I was accused of being a spy. Therefore, they decided to throw me into a pit. I explained who we were, and they eventually let us go.” How grateful the congregations were that this self-sacrificing couple succeeded in visiting them!

Despite the difficulties encountered, the ranks of such full-time ministers are swelling worldwide. (Isaiah 6:8) These diligent workers cherish their privilege of serving Jehovah. With a similar spirit of self-sacrifice, millions of others are now praising Jehovah. In turn, he blesses them abundantly. (Proverbs 10:22) Confident of continued blessing and support, such hard workers reflect the attitude of the psalmist who sang: “My help is from Jehovah.”​—Psalm 121:2.


^ par. 4 See 2005 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses, November/December.

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“Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force.”​—PSALM 110:3

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“Become steadfast, unmovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord.”​—1 Corinthians 15:58.

“God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name.”​—Hebrews 6:10.