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First Chased, Then Embraced

First Chased, Then Embraced

First Chased, Then Embraced

SOME years ago, Santiago and his wife, Lourdes, moved to the picturesque town of Huillcapata, Peru, to share the Bible’s message of hope with people there. Soon, however, a priest arrived from Cuzco and called the town residents together. The priest warned them that the presence of Jehovah’s Witnesses would bring a deadly plague and heavy snowfall that would kill their cattle and ruin their crops.

Many were influenced by this “prophecy,” and for more than half a year, no one in town accepted the invitation of Santiago and Lourdes to study the Bible. A town official named Miguel, the lieutenant governor, chased Santiago and Lourdes down the street, hurling stones at them. But they always behaved in a peaceable, Christian manner.

In time, some townspeople accepted a Bible study. Even Miguel changed his attitude. He began studying with Santiago, stopped drinking to an excess, and became a peaceable person. Eventually Miguel, his wife, and two of his daughters embraced Bible truth.

Today, there is a thriving congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in this town. Miguel is happy that most of the stones he threw at Santiago and Lourdes missed their targets, and he is grateful to the couple for their fine example of peaceableness.

[Pictures on page 32]

The peaceable disposition of Santiago and Lourdes (above) caused Miguel (far right) to have a change of heart