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Is God Still in Control?

Is God Still in Control?

An Invitation . . .

Is God Still in Control?

NATURAL disasters, deadly diseases, corruption in high places, terrorist attacks, wars, crime. Hardly a day goes by without some news of this sort coming our way. Whether you have personally been affected by such things or not, it is hard not to wonder just where the world is heading and if things will ever get better.

To address such concerns, Jehovah’s Witnesses in over 200 lands around the world will be presenting a timely public discourse entitled “Is God Still in Control?” It will consider what God says and promises in his infallible Word, the Bible, regarding these vital questions:

Is God interested in earth’s affairs?

How does he feel about mankind?

Is he concerned about your welfare?

In most areas, the talk will be given on Sunday, April 30, 2006, at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Witnesses in your area will be glad to provide you with the time and address.

You are warmly invited to attend this encouraging free Bible-based discourse that will offer a satisfying answer to the question: Is God Still in Control?