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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

• How will Jesus “deliver the poor one,” as Psalm 72:12 foretold?

During his reign, there will be justice for all, with no corruption. War often brings poverty, but Christ will bring perfect peace. He feels for people and will unite all, and he will see that there is ample food for mankind. (Psalm 72:4-16)​—5/1, page 7.

• How can we as Christians manifest our “freeness of speech”? (1 Timothy 3:13; Philemon 8; Hebrews 4:16)

We can do so by zealously preaching to others with boldness, by teaching and giving counsel promptly and effectively, and by pouring out our hearts to God in prayer, confident that he will hear and respond.​—5/15, pages 14-16.

• Under the Law, why did certain natural sexual functions make a person “unclean”?

The laws concerning uncleanness ascribed to seminal emissions, menstruation, and childbirth fostered good hygiene and a healthy lifestyle, stressed the sanctity of blood, and showed the need for atonement for sins.​—6/1, page 31.

• If a person wants to be happy, why would it be good for him to consider the book of Psalms?

The composers of the Psalms knew that happiness results from having a good relationship with God. (Psalm 112:1) They stressed that no human relationship, no possession, and no accomplishment can bring the happiness that comes from belonging to “the people whose God is Jehovah.” (Psalm 144:15)​—6/15, page 12.

• What special relationship with Jehovah did the ancient Israelites have?

In 1513 B.C.E., Jehovah brought the Israelites into a new relationship with him, into a covenant. (Exodus 19:5, 6; 24:7) Thereafter, Israelites were born as members of God’s chosen nation dedicated to him. Still, each individual had to make a personal decision to serve God.​—7/1, pages 21-2.

• Why should we do all things “free from murmurings”? (Philippians 2:14)

Many Scriptural examples show that murmuring caused damage among God’s people. We do well to think seriously about the corrosive influence it could have today. Imperfect humans have a tendency to complain, and we should be on guard to detect any sign of this and avoid it.​—7/15, pages 16-17.

• How do we know that the wisdom described at Proverbs 8:22-31 is not wisdom in the abstract?

That wisdom was “produced,” or created, as the beginning of Jehovah’s way. God has always existed and been wise; his wisdom was not created. The wisdom of Proverbs 8:22-31 was beside God as “a master worker,” which applies to the spirit creature who became Jesus and who worked closely with God in creation. (Colossians 1:17; Revelation 3:14)​—8/1, page 31.