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“Because of a Nine-Year-Old Boy”

“Because of a Nine-Year-Old Boy”

“Because of a Nine-Year-Old Boy”

WHENEVER Jehovah’s Witnesses came to her door, Wiesława, who lives in southern Poland, politely thanked them and then dismissed them. One day, nine-year-old Samuel came to her door with his mother. This time Wiesława decided to listen to the message and accepted a magazine about a paradise on earth.

Because the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death was approaching, Samuel wanted to invite Wiesława to this special occasion. So, accompanied by his mother, the boy visited her again, this time with a printed invitation. Seeing that the boy was well dressed, Wiesława excused herself for a moment and got dressed up. When she returned, she listened to Samuel, accepted the invitation, and asked: “Should I come on my own or with my husband?” Then she added: “Even if my husband does not come, I will come. I will do it for you, Samuel.” To Samuel’s delight, she kept her word.

During the Memorial talk, Samuel sat next to Wiesława and showed her the scriptures that were being discussed. This impressed her. She enjoyed the Memorial and appreciated that the profound thoughts were explained in simple terms. She was also moved by the warm reception and the kindness that the congregation extended. Since then, Wiesława has shown more and more appreciation for spiritual matters and has begun to associate with Jehovah’s Witnesses regularly. She recently said: “I am ashamed that previously I did not listen to you when you came to my door. And I have to admit that I listened to your message only because of a nine-year-old boy, because of Samuel.”

Like Samuel in Poland, many other young Witnesses of Jehovah praise God orally and through their decorum and fine conduct. If you are a young person, you too may be able to help sincere people come to appreciate sound spiritual values.